At Beck, we offer many extra-curricular and co-curricular activities. Most of these programs take place after school. Please see our Clubs page for a complete list of activities offered at Beck.
How Do I sign up?
Student Government representatives are nominated by each advisory during Morning RAP. Senators are selected toward the end of the year. In both cases, their peers elect the Student Government members. Student Government has a place for everyone.
Signing up for the other activites is just as simple. In the morning, announcements are made to the entire school. Directions are given as to where and when to sign up. If you miss an announcement, check with your Morning RAP advisor, our website, or the main office.
When do these activities take place?
Most activities take place after school and last until 4:20 PM. students can either be picked up, walk or take a late bus provided for those students who are bused to school.
Student Government, band, orchestra and chorus take place before, after school and during the school day. During school, the instructors create special schedules and students are excused to go to these activities. Our instructors make sure that students do not miss the same class for each session.
If you have any questions about student activities, contact the main office at (856) 424 - 4505.