6th Grade Science Trip to the Pinelands
To: Parents/Guardians
From: Beck School Nurse
Subject: 6th Grade Trip to the NJ Pinelands
- Please bring all medications to the nurse’s office the Wednesday before your child is scheduled to go to the Pinelands. Medication will not be accepted the morning of the trip.
- Put all medications in a plastic bag which is labeled:
Child’s name
Team #
Date of trip to the Pinelands
- Put medication forms and permission into the plastic bag with the medication.
- A nurse will accompany the students to the Pinelands.
- All medications must be in their original properly labeled containers (no loose tablets or pills).
- Please share any medical concerns you may have about your child’s camp experience.
- If your child has a special diet, please notify Mrs. Metzger or Mrs. Hart at Beck (856)424-4505 option #2. (1-2 weeks notification)
- Make sure all health information forms are filled out; this includes immunization with last tetanus, allergies to food/medication, etc.
- Signed medical emergency form, allowing treatment at the closest hospital. (which is Burlington county Memorial Hospital)
- All medication to be administered must have a written doctor’s order and a written parent permission slip.
- A nebulizer is available for asthmatics. We need tubing, a mouthpiece and medication along with the doctor’s order.
- Please pick up your medicine when you pick your child up after the trip.