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6th Grade Science Trip to the Pinelands

To: Parents/Guardians

From: Beck School Nurse

Subject: 6th Grade Trip to the NJ Pinelands 

  1. Please bring all medications to the nurse’s office the Wednesday before your child is scheduled to go to the Pinelands. Medication will not be accepted the morning of the trip.
  2. Put all medications in a plastic bag which is labeled:

Child’s name
Team #
Date of trip to the Pinelands

  1. Put medication forms and permission into the plastic bag with the medication.
  2. A nurse will accompany the students to the Pinelands.  
  3. All medications must be in their original properly labeled containers (no loose tablets or pills).
  4. Please share any medical concerns you may have about your child’s camp experience.
  5. If your child has a special diet, please notify Mrs. Metzger or Mrs. Hart at Beck (856)424-4505 option #2.  (1-2 weeks notification)
  6. Make sure all health information forms are filled out; this includes immunization with last tetanus, allergies to food/medication, etc.
  7. Signed medical emergency form, allowing treatment at the closest hospital.  (which is Burlington county Memorial Hospital)
  8. All medication to be administered must have a written doctor’s order and a written parent permission slip.
  9. A nebulizer is available for asthmatics.  We need tubing, a mouthpiece and medication along with the doctor’s order.
  10. Please pick up your medicine when you pick your child up after the trip.

6th Grade Science Trip Medical Form

Permission for Acetaminophen/Ibuprofen for Field Trips