Pineland's Science Trip
Cherry Hill District Policy and NJ State Law require that all medication must be administered by a nurse. ONLY medically necessary medications will be administered by the nurse on the trip.
- Please administer the morning dose of medication to your child before the trip and evening doses upon return.
- The nurse will administer medically necessary medication during the day.
- Please note that groups may need to be adjusted to accommodate those students receiving medication.
- All medications, including over-the-counter medications, require a doctor’s written order.
- The only exception is Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and Ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) which can be given with the permission of a parent/guardian ( please sign attached).
- All medication must be labeled clearly and given to the school nurse TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO THE TRIP.
- Medications MUST be in the original pharmacy bottle with the label intact. Do not include extra doses. It must be in a ziplock bag with the student’s name.
- One medication form should be used for EACH medication. If additional forms are needed, please contact the nurse at ext. 3132.
- If your child already has an Asthma Action Plan and/or orders for Epinephrine, you do NOT need to provide new orders. They can continue to self-carry their medication.