Required 6th Grade Immunizations
6th Grade Immunization Requirement
Dear Parents:
This is a reminder of the change in the New Jersey State immunization requirements. All children born after January 1, 1997 and enrolled in grade six will be required to receive a booster dose of the diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis vaccine* as well as one dose of the meningococcal vaccine. The immunizations should be completed before your child starts school next September. Please send a doctor's note with proof of these immunizations to your child’s middle school nurse.
The Cherry Hill School District is compelled by state law to ensure that all students receive the required immunizations. Children who do not meet the requirements will be excluded from school. Documentation must be received prior to the first day of school. If documentation is not received by this date, your child will be excluded from school until it is submitted. ** The only exceptions are for students who have medical or religious waivers. Speak with your school nurse if you wish to consider a medical or religious waiver.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Kimberly Hart, RN, BSN, CSN-NJ
Beck Middle School Nurse
*Those who received a Td booster within 5 years are not required to get the Tdap until 5 years have elapsed from the last DTP/DTaP or Td dose.
**Depending on the manufacturer of the vaccine, your physician may not be able to administer the DTaP vaccine until your child reaches age 11. If this is the case, please provide documentation that an appointment is scheduled and proof of vaccination once it is administered.