Resources for COVID-19
Resources for COVID-19
If your child has tested positive for COVID, the current guidelines are as follows:
• Stay home for at least 5 full days after the onset of symptoms or if asymptomatic after the positive test (day of symptoms is day 0; if asymptomatic, day the test was performed is day 0).
• If they have no symptoms or symptoms are resolving after 5 days and are fever-free (without the use of fever-reducing medication) for 24 hours, your child can leave their home and return to school.
• If your child continues to have symptoms after day 5, or new symptoms develop or your child is unable to consistently wear a well fitting mask for days 6-10, your child should isolate for a full 10 days.
• Upon return to school, your child will be required to wear a mask when around others at home and in public (indoors and outdoors) for an additional 5 days (including participation in any extracurricular activities). Time without a mask being worn should be kept to a minimum.
Close Contact:
The current guidelines state that individuals who were exposed to COVID-19 can continue to attend school as long as they remain asymptomatic. CDC recommends that individuals who were exposed to COVID-19 wear a well-fitting mask for 10 days after exposure. Exposed persons, regardless of vaccination status, are strongly recommended to get tested 5 full days after exposure, on day 6 (date of exposure is considered day 0). If testing is unavailable, school attendance can continue. If the test is positive, they must follow isolation recommendations.